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About Geospatial BI

GeoBi provides comprehensive insights into market conditions and organizational performance across diverse business regions. Leveraging geospatial analytics, we harness data from GPS, location sensors, social media, mobile devices, and satellite imagery to create visualizations that uncover trends and relationships between people and places.

Geospatial Intelligence Cookbook

Technology Used: Python / Google API / QGIS / IBM SPSS

Geospatial Business Intelligence Github Wiki

Geo-intelligence is a strategic combination of the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and business intelligence (BI) to manage data and get valuable insights.

Independent Samples t Test - Distance and Consuming Behavior simonrenauld's T_test

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Web Mapping

Technology Used: Leaflet/javascript/d3js/crossfilter/bower/HTML Data Table

Web Mapping Github Wiki

Web mapping is the process of designing, implementing, generating and delivering maps on the World Wide Web. It enables us to easily geo-analyze our contextual business data and KPI on dynamic maps.

simonrenauld's dashboard

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Technology Used: ArcGIS/ArcGIS Network Analyst/IBM SPSS/SQL

M.Sc. Thesis Geo-marketing

Analysis of Current and Potential Customers for The Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (SEPAQ)

Abstract: Geomarketing is a discipline located between geography, geomatics and marketing. The potential offered by the use of GIS and geospatial data, allows us to get unique insights for strategic marketing decision making.

simonrenauld's Github chart

SÉPAQ Website

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